This section lists some of the companies that are engaged in design research as a core element of their practice.
Cooper / DesignIt
“Cooper is an award-winning design and business strategy agency. Through consulting and professional education, we make organizations, products, and services more human-centered.” In October 2017 Cooper joined the Designit family.
“IDEO is a global design company. We create positive impact through design.” The company has been a pioneer in human centered design and design thinking.
“At, we design products, services, and experiences to improve the lives of people in poor and vulnerable communities. We practice human-centered design, a creative approach to problem solving that starts with people and arrives at new solutions tailored to meet their lives.”
“We use design research to identify what people want and need, and help you unlock the experiences they aspire to.”
“MakeTools offers consulting services and education to people and organizations that see the value in using collective forms of creativity to address the environmental, social and cultural challenges we face today.”
“We build the connected world with human-centered design, an architectural approach, and research.”
“We help you identify opportunities to innovate, transform, and align your business with customer needs through co-creation.”